樂生人權&生態去年中第一次在破報上看到有關樂生的事件,開始好奇這印象中上世紀的痲瘋病怎麼還存在台北這無線網路城市? 在一顆大樹下的音樂會? 與台灣人權的關係? 又過了半年,瑞士友人告訴我; human right is a western word. You east has no human rights。當下有被汙辱的感覺,嘴硬的回答 – human right is English word, of course。樂生處於新莊與迴龍邊緣的一片山坡林地,多數建築始於1930 年日本時期至 1940 年左右光復初期,中式建築風格文雅, 上個月文建會通過暫定古蹟以保6個月,有待台北縣與桃園縣另組古蹟調查隊確定,捷運局與媒體咬住新莊線轉運機房無法動工延宕18個月總工程期,怠忽變通方案的研究與第一步生態考量。再次突顯台灣重大工程的短視。(想想雪山隧道切斷水源的例子) OUCH!
1. Han-Sheng People cut off MRT’s path? Reported by Chen, Cun-Xiong
Xing-Zhuang MRT effect millions of people’s right, the original causes of construction delay is not only because of Lo-Sheng’s building would be regard as historical site, and [Han-Sheng Policy of Taiwan] is also the main point. If later this policy pass by The legislative Yan of R.O.C, 58 Han-Sheng patients’s right would be more important then millions of people’s wishs.
The draft of [Han-Sheng Policy of Taiwan] is divided to 5 sections and 25 policies. Covered Sections are theme, compensation, recovering the honor, residence, and medical care. One crucial point of policy 18, which made by Huang, Chao- Shun (KMT) stated the right of Han-Sheng Group. But Wu, Bin-Shu argued that, eventually if there is only one Han-Sheng patient lived in Lo-Sheng, government can not expel the patient to leave, no matter if Lo-Sheng regard as historical site or not. Some governmenters also consider this policy is out of balance, and suggested to abolish this policy 18.
2. Lo-Sheng Youth Union: Construction Delay Not A Full Responsibility of Lo-Sheng. Reported by Chen, Cun-Xiong.
Four points made by Lo-Sheng Youth Union said,
? Before the transitional station build, MRT could use technical re-plan for functional opening the MRT transport at Xing-Zhuang. Xing-Zhuang’s traffic dark age has no concerns with Lo-Sheng. Construction Delay should not blame to Lo-Sheng. ? There has no direction connection between Xing-Zhuang’s transitional station and functional opening of Xing-Zhuang MRT. If Xing-Zhuang’s transitional station is yet finish, MRT could still use Lo-Zhung’s transitional station for transitional and repairing purposes. Xing-Zhuang MRT line could still carry on the opening of transport. ? If construction itself has no delay, the construction along Xing-Zhuang and San-Chung should complete on time, there should not have exaggerations on stressing the point of construction re-planning, and mis-leading the general public. ? MRT spoken man Zhung, Chi-De said, according to the negociation of Lo-Sheng’ land use, the entire plan had delay 18 months. Youth Union quoted report of Prof. Liu, Ke-Chung (Taiwan University), regardless the re-plan, MRT itself already delayed more than 12 months.
Lo-Sheng Youth Union addressed, Taipei City is the role of the capital city of Taiwan, it should have responsibility of problem solving, should not indulge the corruption of technical officers, who use convenient as priority and make-up a plan that damaged culture, eco-system and humanism.
3. Lo-Sheng temporally regarded as historical site, MRT try to turnover the decision. Reported by Chen, Cun-Xiong.
Cultural council’s new decision to keep Lo-Sheng as temporally historical site caused serious delay of Xing-Zhuang MRT. MRT point out, 18 months of delay time effects millions of Xing-Zhuang and San-Chunag’s residents, and lose 1 billions each year. MRT said, the overall progression of Xing-Zhuang MRT is 51%, 1% ahead, but the land use right delay from 2004.07.15, current evaluation would be 18 month delay. According to The Exective Yan’s document, Xing-Zhuang MRT should function before year 2010, and now regard as Mission Impossible by MRT. . Xing-Zhuang MRT is trying to use NO.32 [Wen-Zhi Policy] to turnover the decision, according to [Historical Site would be dis-concern due to importance of national developing and security reason], the propose should submit to core organization to run, and Cultural Council is also the core organization.
During 6 months of temporally historical site inspection, a professional group formed by Taipei County and Tao Yuan County, a decision will made to Lo-Sheng.
4. MRT : Construction delayed 2 years. Reported by Shi, Chung-Yao
Lo-Sheng regard as temporary historical site effects 2 years delay time of Xing-Zhuang MRT, rental of transitional station, repairing fees would caused for more than 350 millions, said MRT spoken man Zhung, Chi-De. Zhung added, most Lo-Sheng’s patients moved to new building, but 50 people refused and effected MRT’s Xing-Zhuang and Lo-Zhung line. The main construction of Xing-Zhuang line is ahead of planning, however, the land use of transitional station is Lo-Sheng’s old colony can not be deconstructed, which caused delay of 18 months, and now re-evaluation would caused another 6 months. The transitional station would delay more than 24 months. Zhung said, central government allowed the use of Lo-Sheng colony as Xing-Zhuang MRT’s transitional station at year 1993, and now delay the first section of Xing-Zhuang line at year 2009.
5. Governmenters : compensation had common sense, historical site are negotiated. Reported by Fan Jiang, Tai-De & Gao, Yu-Zhi.
Lo-Sheng Self-Help Union and several governmenters addressed, government should make solution for their violence of long-year isolating policy of Lo-Sheng’s patients and make decision for the historical building for the sake of justice. [Democratic Progressive Party : DPP] hold 2 sides of opinions and negotiation, ideally, DPP decided to ask compensation for patients and open to the question of historical site. Wu, Bin-Shu & Chao, Lai-Wan [DPP] said, Lo-Sheng is decided as 3rd grade historical site by Cultural council temporally, however, according to [Wen-Zhi Policy], Taipei County shall make final decision within 6 months. For the right and developing of Taipei County’s residents, they would protest to against to the end. Crowded protest would be possible to speak their voice to Taipei County. For the eco and culture question, Wu said, those questions should rise long earlier before, now MRT has been planned so long, plan should not be changed to effect rights of Taipei County’s resident. He insisted there should have no delay to Xing-Zhuang MRT.
Lin, Shu-Fan & officer of education and culture – Guan, Bi-Lin have different opinions, they insisted the historical site should be decided. Guan, Bi-Lin said, the discussion of Lo-Sheng’s historical site has passed out the golden time, either keep or not keep the building, it would be both difficult, there have pity remind already, she thinks, Lo-Sheng is very important cultural heritage to mark for Taiwan Medical History. Guo Jin, Su-Mei [none party], Di, Shou-Chung [KMT] & Yi, Lin-Ying [TSU] with several Han-Sheng patients hold conference yesterday, according to [228 compensation policy], blueprint of of [Han-Sheng Policy of Taiwan] is drafted.
Lo-Sheng Self-Help Union addressed, Japan local court judged Japanese Government offend humanistic right by earlier leprosy isolation policy. Parliament passed compensation policy efficiently. To the mirror side of Taiwan’s situation, isolation policy was still in used after Japanese colonial period. In 1994, our government gave Lo-Sheng to MRT. In 2002, old patient forced to move out of the house where they have been living for more than 40, or 50 years.
For hundreds of Lo-Sheng’s patient and 3000 leprosy patients on list, Lo-Sheng Self-Help Union said government shall apologise and de-maligning to leprosy patients, according to individual cases and compensate amount of 6 millions the maximal to each, special case be given 8 millions. The draft also point out the core organization shall soon decided Lo-Sheng Colony as National Historical Heritage, protect its cultural and eco value.
Most of all agreed with the principle of compensation and keeping property, but some governmenter has different opinion on the amount of compensation, Guo Jin, Su-Mei [none party] thought most patients have been accept some medical compensation, the amount of draft is too much. Di, Shou-Chung [KMT] thought the amount of compensation or realm of site keeping could be discussed under the principle of taking care of Lo-Sheng’s patients.
last sunday, 26 of Feb, for a long while havn't visit grandma and grandmom, they seems much the same as one month ago, open-mind, easy-going, talk alot about nature and thier new-year experience, some of them be together with families, and a sense of not fitting in, the sound workshop went fine, i play them 5 tracks of soundscpae, some close eye and listen carefully, some fall asleep, >"< after each listening, we discussed thier intiuition, flashback or imagination, more the less, reflection to thier sufferring or lack of optimised thoughts occurred within childish respond, and slowly move to some happier experiences as we might have, swimming in the river of unvisible dangers, hearing bad recording as passing train, noticed specific events from tv, etc, etc, its amazing to see how they draw the conversation forward to next track i was going to play, and chatted like old friend in the late evening, was slimy raining that day..
recording played
1.bird - recorded @ sothern island of JP
2.ocean - recorded @ taidong coast,tw
3.river - recorded @ southern island of JP
4.beecracks - recorded @ tainan lantern festival, tw