Kool, u speak french ? j'ai prévu de venir... I schedule to come on 17... Souhaitez-vous filmer votre performance ? Je fais pas mal de films et de video report.... cela m'enchanterai de réaliser un report sur votre musique...
Pour infos :
Films engagés : http://www.dailymotion.com/TKFATPK
Films poétiques : http://www.dailymotion.com/telemak/1
hmmm --- watch some of ur video, very tasty, heyhey, but i don't read much french either speaking of it ... pity ... feel free to video our perforamnce, i will co-operate with cedrik @ http://www.syrphe.com
currently, my server is down for security reason, more music should be back online soon - c u - now in zurich / in loved ;')