15 October 2006
01.20-21 CONSCIOUSNESS AND QUANTUMCOMPUTERS @ New Gallery Lucerne; abstract.pdf, program.pdf

12.19 Stephan Micus (DE) /Mique Montanaro (FR) / Zad Moultaka (Lib.) @ Glaz'art / 7/15 avenue de la Porte de la Villette 75019 .. and...

12.16 /17h / Shujaat Khan (Sitar), Tejendra Majumdar (Sarod) & Subhankar Banerjee (Tabla) @ Theatre de la Ville

~ open recording

12.04 / 20h30 / Spectres transatlantiques /Ensemble FA @ IRCAM

12.01/17h30 / Mars release party @ L'Imprimerie 168
: Frédéric Nogray
::first set have these instruments of om bowl made of thick glass, beautiful sounding mill the circle of bubble,

: Denis Tricot + Eric Cordier
:: second set, the artist brough up 12 piece of long plank, thin enough to curve and long enough to reach out, he joint them to a longer plank, and make a live scuplture attached to the building's raw dimension, then he start to move with several bow that teller than 2m, another reform of live scuplture, music embrased fully metallic and humanistic but beautiful composition ~

: Jean-François Pauvros +Makoto Kawabata
::third set is when two deep guitar player meet, long drone n irregular, i enojoy also two glass of box red wine, didn't talk much, just observing and read on the metro back ;')

11.29 Toumani Diabate (kora) & his Symmetric Orchestra @ louvre ________________ ;') no recorder on my hand again, PA is so unprofessional, very bad amplified sounding by concert hell, but beautiful music, most playful drummers, and people start to dance on the stage, a solo of kora is the hightlight for this ease man's equilibrium to delight the joint of traditional and new instrument that possibly, forest grows..

11.28 /20h / tunng @ mains d'oeuvres )))))))) maybe i would go thier next concert, too tired by the long hour train

11.22 /17h/ Upgrading Humans – Technical Realities and New Morals /Kevin Warwick,Dept. of Cybernetics,University of Reading,UK @ open dork

Install'actions en continu de 16h à 20h avec :
Martine ALTENBURGER violoncelle
Christophe CARDOEN images
Massimo CARROZZO clarinette
Yannick DAUBY et Olivier FERAUD installation sonore
Stéphane LEMPEREUR travail photographique
Thierry MADIOT trompes
Li-Ping TING action, installation @ Instants Chavires

interesting rediscovery, when entre to space, its plainly dark, i were glad to have eye rest for those overloading days and just listen to the music... while i were still trying to touch in finding site direction to closer to music, wan-shun called - she recongnised me in shape, i was suprised, i felt friendly to sit next to her,, the performace space was aesthetically designed to have all musicians in thier corner of listening to each others, the light man would illuminate subtlely and remotely by photography projection... ..... its a 4 hours concert, but i didn't stay to the end for thier John Cage piece, friend said it was nice too ;')

11.17 /21h / Toumast @ Satellit Cafe something has to be in the right mood to listen to, now i understood the reason why those two northern afraican men told me to come back tomorrow for the icey drink another, even tho the shop's door was wide open... that must something quiet important but trivial in general they were talking about,,, later.... (x)
the music,,, hmmm,,, some moments that familiar to me as strange mixture of taiwanese aboriginal pop and turns of "5-bai", the female voice is the flat skyline on horizon, i follow her voice to a far and clear firmness.. but i was thinking to return again to this district for some greek food...

11.12 /12h / inscape @ MAC.VAL x it should be an very interesting concert, but this sunday morning i decided to sleep a little bit longer --

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