paf_phase aligned format generator
choose_find the best fit of incoming vector with store profites
bonl_percussion detector
fiddle_pitch tracker
most implementation of FM actually use phase, not frequency, modulation, cos it extens in a more natural way to multo-operator FM with three or more oscillators.
{ phase modulation, we spit the carrier oscillator into its phase calculation (phasor~) and its waveform lookip (cos~) these together would be equivalent to an oscillators'output to the phase, the units of the modulation index change it is now dimensionless and relative to the modulation fewquency, n good values tend to be between 0 n 1 in this patch, its in hundredths,
sample article. Electric Body Manipulation as Performance Art: A Historical Perspective
the article is some kinds of distrubing, so as this email,
sony's new toy //